The work package A.1 “Research framework and regulatory analyses” establishes the basis for the project process. This work package, which is led by BIGS, creates the research framework with the collaboration of all six project partners. It examines the provision of protection services and as security as an economic good from a regulative point of view. Special attention is payed to the private production of and provision of protection services. The results of the work package give all following tasks systematic structure.
For this purpose a multidimensional criteria model will be designed after working out the relevant definitions of protection services in their forms and of the “economic good” security. On this basis, the model allows the creation of a consistent categorization scheme. Via this scheme, existing and possibly evolving fields of activity in the protection services sector can undergo a quick systematic classification.
An examination structured in this way – including legal, economic, business, technological, and administrative aspects – offers decision-makers in politics, administration, and economy an improved basis for decision making with regard to resource allocation. Assessments of regulatory and market environments, political aspects, and technical evolution will also be enhanced. Already in the early stages of the joint project, the day-to-day suitability of the scheme will be ensured through focused communication with economic and administration representatives.