The work package B.1 “National case studies” deals with the control mechanisms of private security players on a national level. Cooperation models between public and private players in Germany will be examined in several case studies. University of Potsdam is the leading project partner, working alongside project partners Viadrina Compliance Center (VCC), FOKUS and the BDSW.
In consideration of respective privatisation depth, the analysis concentrates primarily on the interaction of government and the private security sector and its limits. To this end, the research group of the University of Potsdam examines the existing cooperative relations exploratively and with qualitative approaches. Control problems are identified through expert interviews with public and private players. The results of the interviews are inspected for plausibility and generalisability afterwards by means of an online-survey with relevant players. On this basis, the formulation of reliable recommendations of action for the design of cooperative relations finally takes place.
Furthermore, within this work package, VCC analyses the compliance development in Germany regarding privatisation. FOKUS introduces its experiences with hybrid financed security solutions as well as compliance control. BDSW examines the economic limits of privatisation of security under the given legal and organizational framework. All aspects of the work package build the basis for regulatory framework, to be developed in AP B.3.