In work package B.3, a list of criteria for normative standards of innovative forms of business and corporation models is developed in the framework of a systematic information compression – building on the results of the work packages A.2 to A.3 and B.1 to B.2. The list is supposed to contribute to a regulatory framework, which can govern the role of private actors in the national security architecture.
The goal is the relief of public authorities, while preserving high quality standards, as well as the support of the private protection industry und a higher market penetration by identifying new cooperation and business models. Thus, a control framework is developed to ensure minimum standards. At the same time a more systematic delimitation of those protection services which have to produced solely by public authorities shall be enabledthan this is possible so far in the absence of a comprehensive criteria catalogue and review scheme.
Based on a deepening analysis of supply and demand structures and on the implemented national and international case studies, relevant trends of the protection industry are identified. During this process, aspects like the nature of the objects of protection (and correspondingly the role of the “human factor”), the technical level, the sector classification within the protection industry, the market orientation (between regional and international, public and private customers), and characteristic company sizes for the developed, regulative criteria are considered. The results are summarized for the Open Information Platform engineered in the project, as well as for recommendations for the parliament, ministries, and the political or administrative research community. BDSW supports communication within its association and the discussion of operational considerations with its member network, and thereby serves as multiplier of force. The results will be made accessible for the members of the BDSW and the entire industry.